Product Specification

DataKal StarBase is designed especially for managing of festivals and other social, cultural and sport events. Our database systems solve a comprehensive managing of all aspects of the event. The database is composed of independent units (modules) that store all data at one place accessible online for all users. It saves your time and makes your team work effectively. You will definitely have your event fully under the control.

Software contains modules:

Contact Module

  • Person folder
  • Company folder
  • Multiple address possibility
  • Internal classification of each contact (with multiple choice)
  • Profession and activity classification
  • Sophisticated searching and filtering
  • My selection (allows users to select and store their own selected contact)
  • Data export to screen, PDF, MS Excel, MS Word, HTML, XML, MHT, HTML, XML (without having MS Excel, MS Word and PDF installed on your computer)
  • Personal diary of each contact (exportable to any device: PDA, iPhone, MS Outlook and etc.)
  • System for storing documents and files for each contact
  • Custom database fields - system allows to create any additional database fields
  • Queries - your custom query of any export can be saved and used later on
  • Custom mailing tags available
  • Mailing system (send email to an individual or groups) – all emails are stored and can be tracked later on
  • Personal profile, biography, filmography and etc.
  • Press information, articles
  • Logging and tracing system
  • Searching duplicity, merging contacts procedure
  • Company profile, biography and filmography

Communication Module

  • Integrated e-mail client system
  • Keeps track of all sent messages with appropriate person or company
  • Folder structure customization
  • Mass mailing
  • Custom templates available

Hospitality Module

  • Accreditation card handling (multiple cards assigning possibility, paid cards and etc.)
  • Card printing
  • Invitation (letter template definition, assigning invitation letter, print and send letters by mail, fax, email, multiple invitation possibilities, invitation tracking, budgeting)
  • Personal letter templates
  • Transportation (transport from/to festival, internal transport, air ticket handling, pricing, budgeting, chauffeur scheduling, reimbursement etc.)
  • Accommodation systems (sophisticated accommodation system, drag-and-drop booking, custom prices, sponsors quotas, budget, own expense accommodation)
  • Accompanying events, parties (RSVP, reminder, booking, scheduling)
  • Meetings management (scheduling, reminders)
  • Film delegation, all related film info
  • Merchandise (festival bag, T-shirt, presents etc.), printing invoice possibility
  • Keeps track of all payments, invoicing
  • Who-Is-Where, Who-Is-Who
  • Industry Guide (company profile, activity, territories of interest, industry guide export)
  • Online registration module (customized web form, confirmation email, confirmation slip)
  • Various predefined reports with a feature of adding customized reports

Film Module

  • Film information (titles, film package, film tracking, film sections, programmers, technical info, synopsis, festival history etc.)
  • Film contacts (directors, contacts, credits, cast)
  • Film correspondence (letters, mass email)
  • Evidence of available VHS/DVD/beta/HD (covers, barcode)
  • Renting of tapes - scheduling, reminders
  • Film selection process (online film evaluation)
  • Handling film materials, gallery
  • Print tracking system (multiple print possibilities, incoming/outgoing info, internal movement tracking, printing stickers, technical details, print restriction, quality control, customs, invoicing etc.)
  • Film catalogue (bilingual system of storing data, built-in editor, internal spell-check, translation tool, export data to Adobe InDesign, Quark, HTML, MHT, XLS, XLSX, CSV, Text File, Image File, PDF, MS Word), watermark possibility
  • Scheduling films (general/press/market screenings, checking print availability and venue technical specification, Q&A, cinema manager information)
  • Film delegation
  • Trailers and movies (links to existing videos, internal storage, play movie)
  • Budgeting (screening fee, shipping fee, customs declaration etc.)
  • Film articles
  • Film market (type of market, market info, selection status, catalogue)
  • Film project (financing detail, selection status, catalogue)
  • Online film submission
  • Film information form (possibility to update film online)
  • Film merge
  • Web publishing

Ticketing System

  • Cinema plan generator tool (creating cinema layout using mass features, seat order definition etc.)
  • Cinema mask and price tool (split cinema to different blocks by seat types and individual prices)
  • Ticketing sales policy
  • Ticket layout tool (create ticket design for dot-matrix, thermic or high speed BOCA ticket printers)
  • Program (start selling, stop selling, unblocking restriction, reservation deadline, notes, prices etc.)
  • Prepaid coupons, anonymous card, loyalty cards
  • Film search (by film title, screening code, date, venue, favorites etc.)
  • Card holder info (barcode scan, active/inactive, ticket quotas, tickets history, reservations, bonuses)
  • Unique real time system of sale (directly visible on the screen)
  • Unique “LiveFlex” feature (enables seat types to be changed in real time and dynamically during sale with regard to the actual ticket demand enabling far greater flexibility and increasing sales)
  • Automatic tracking and control of cardholder ticket quotas, special passes and promotion discounts
  • Shopping basket
  • Cancel ticket tool (keeps track of all changes)
  • Discounts
  • Reservation tool
  • Standby ticket
  • TV info (real time selling status distributed over TV signal – box offices, hotels, public places)
  • Venue access control
  • Voting system
  • Reports (online)
  • Online ticketing (film guide, screening info, credit card payment, highlights, my diary etc., e-ticket)
  • E-Ticket support

Online Modules

  • Film submission form (film info, technical info, director, contacts, credits, synopsis, festival history, awards, market info, submitter, files upload, confirmation email, confirmation slip etc.)
  • Film Information form - module for updating existing film data (it is used for fine tuning of data about the film) - System generates a special link that is sent to submitter, producer, distributor, director etc. to validate the film entry, data are updated in temporary database from where they need to be merged/transferred to StarBase
  • Online evaluation access - Secure system for allowing valuators to comment on films - this information are stored in the system (various search types, play movie, rating, comments, spell check, exports, statistics, charts)
  • Online industry export - export of company information and their representatives including company profile, territories of interest, activities, and recent titles (export of contacts as business cards (vcard)).
  • Guests arrivals and departure - list of guests arriving and departing in the specific date includes travel details, hotel info
  • Hotel access - list of guests staying in the specific hotel (arrival, date, departure date, festival pay, guest pay, transportation)
  • PDA, iPhone and Smartphone access - limited access to contacts and film database
  • Registration - on-line registration system for new delegates requesting accreditation (contact, photo upload, registration types, profession activities, industry information, documents and files upload, media information, confirmation email and confirmation slip)
  • Personal and Company folder (web access) - system allows guests or participant to access their personal or company folder. System is different for invited guest, delegate and company. Invited guest can update contacts, accreditation, invitation, travel, accommodation, events, films, reservation/buying tickets, merchandise, payment, diary, industry info, who-is-where. Delegate has an access to update contacts, accreditation, buying tickets, buying merchandise, accommodation order, payment. Company folder is an access to contacts, company representatives’ registration, industry info, who-is-where
  • Film guide (all information regarding the program published online – title, section, technical information, synopsis, director, director photo, director bio, cast, film photos, film trailer, suggestions, screening information, other selling information). Various types of film search (by title, date, venue, genre, film section etc.)
  • Schedule (another type of screening view)
  • Events (non-film program highlighted)
  • Online ticketing - Seat selector. Shopping basket. Tickets reservation or credit card payment process. Confirmation email and confirmation slip (includes barcode, order review etc.). Persons´ registration for buying tickets. Benefits, marketing tools etc.


All news


One World Film Festival

This year we implemented VoD platform for festival One World. System allow upload online screeners and also DCP masters and fully automatically building videolibrary. These are streamed online and also at video library room.

DataKal StarBase representatives at the Berlinale 2018

DataKal StarBase, the comprehensive software solution for film festivals, represented by Pavel Kalenda & Kalenda Systems, will be available at Berlinale International Film Festival 2017, February 12 - 15. We will be happy to meet you and tell you more about our products! To arrange a meeting, please send us email to or call us on +420 602 273 948.


Probably first festival in the world using RFID chips for accreditation and ticketing. Platform is very easy for scanning and managing tickets and access to the venues. In combination of new ticketing rules was a great solution for an event where is hi demand for tickets.

MIA Market

MIA Market platform was changed into new design and implement 7 different online application forms, accreditation system, payment, hotel platform. Unique access control was developed for industry screenings and Sales get online in formation about their visitors.


PIAF, Prague International Advertising Festival, Czech RepublicPIAF, Prague International Advertising Festival, Czech Republic

All references